5 Common Causes of Drywall Damage and How to Prevent Them

Drywall, a staple in the construction of modern homes, has a myriad of advantages: it’s versatile, economical, and easy to install. However, like any other material, it is prone to certain types of damage over time. By understanding the common causes of drywall damage and the preventive measures you can take, you can prolong the lifespan of your walls, saving both time and money in repair costs.

Here, we will discuss five common causes of drywall damage, and offer advice on how to prevent them from recurring.

how to prevent drywall damage

1. Water Damage

Water damage is the primary culprit behind most drywall damages. Whether it’s from a leaky roof, a plumbing mishap, or even high humidity levels, water can be highly destructive to your walls.

When drywall absorbs water, it may swell, crumble, or develop unsightly stains. Left untreated, damp drywall can also lead to mold and mildew growth, which poses serious health hazards.

Prevention: Regularly check your home’s plumbing and roof for leaks. If any are found, repair them promptly. Make sure bathrooms, kitchens, and other high-humidity areas are well-ventilated to prevent condensation build-up. Consider using water-resistant drywall, also known as “green board”, in these rooms for added protection.

2. Cracks from Structural Settlement

Structural settlement refers to the gradual sinking or shifting of a house into its foundation over time. This natural phenomenon can lead to cracks in your drywall, particularly around door frames and windows. While these cracks are typically harmless, they can become an eyesore if left unattended.

Prevention: Unfortunately, structural settlement is inevitable to a certain extent. However, ensuring your home is built on a firm, properly-prepared foundation can slow down this process. If your house is already built, regular inspections and promptly addressing foundation issues can help prevent major settlement and the resulting drywall damage.

3. Physical Impact

Houses, particularly those with children or pets, often fall victim to physical impact damage. This can take the form of holes, dents, or scuffs caused by anything from a slammed door, flying toys, moving furniture, or even the occasional stumble against the wall.

Prevention: Protective measures like installing door stoppers can prevent doorknob-sized holes in your drywall. For high-traffic areas or rooms prone to rough play, consider using a tougher material like plywood or beadboard wainscoting along the lower part of the walls. Finally, teaching children to respect their surroundings can also go a long way in preventing such damage.

4. Improper Installation

Drywall damage can also occur if it was improperly installed. Poorly secured drywall may lead to nail pops, where the nail or screw becomes visible through the surface of the drywall. Additionally, poorly-taped joints can cause cracks or separation over time.

Prevention: The best way to prevent installation-related damage is by ensuring your drywall is installed correctly in the first place. This includes properly securing the drywall to the studs and using the right type of joint compound and tape. If you’re unsure, hiring a professional like the the Patch Dudes is always a good idea.

5. Pest Infestations

Last but not least, pests can cause significant damage to your drywall. Termites, carpenter ants, and even rodents can burrow through drywall, leaving visible holes or tunnels.

Prevention: Regular pest inspections are essential, particularly if you live in an area prone to termites or carpenter ants. Sealing potential entry points can also deter pests. If you notice any signs of an infestation, hire a pest control professional to handle the situation as soon as possible to mitigate damage.

Maintaining your drywall and keeping it damage-free might seem like a daunting task, but understanding these common causes of damage can help you take proactive measures to protect your walls. Regular inspections, prompt repair of minor issues, and employing preventive strategies can all contribute to the longevity of your drywall, keeping your home looking its best for years to come.
drywall damage causes and prevention

If you find yourself dealing with drywall damage, don’t worry – Patch Dudes is here to help. As a team of professionals specializing in drywall repair, we have the expertise to address a variety of drywall issues, from water damage to cracks, holes, and pest-inflicted damage.

We ensure that our work is performed meticulously and efficiently, providing you with a smooth, like-new surface that blends seamlessly with the rest of your wall. Trust Patch Dudes to restore your walls back to their prime condition with our reliable drywall repair services – contact us today!

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