Ceiling Drywall Patch Repair in The Annex

This homeowner in The Annex neighbourhood of Toronto had a large hole in their ceiling bulkhead and needed it repaired as soon as possible. Luckily this customer got in touch with the experienced professionals at Patch Dudes. Known for their speed, Patch Dudes are also proud to be extremely clean, precise and meticulous. with every project, no matter the scope. After filling the hole with a cut piece of drywall, Patch Dudes used joint compound and filler to ensure the seams were filled and everything is flat. The next step in the drywall repair process after the compound dried was to sand the ceiling down. This process can be messy but Patch Dudes are pros at controlling any dust and debris that may fall during the ceiling repair process. The room was completely sealed off, all of the HVAC vents were taped off and the windows were opened. Once the ceiling was ensured to be smooth and absolutely flat we begin the ceiling painting process. After priming the area, we found the exact paint colour to match and painted the ceiling.  If you have any holes in your drywall in your ceiling you know that you can trust Patch Dudes to get it repaired fast.  Provided Service: Filled-in Ceiling Hole Applied Compound to Ensure it is Flush Sanded and Smoothed Ceiling Used Identical Paint Colour to Match the Rest of The Ceiling Cleaned up After the Job Project Duration: 3.5 hours The ceiling was left looking brand new and the customer was extremely satisfied with Patch Dudes you always get professional attitude and great work. We offer extensive drywall repair services, stucco ceiling removal and painting. No matter the size or scope of the project, you can be sure that Patch Dudes is here to help any customer in Toronto
ceiling repair drywall
ceiling repair drywall

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Drywall Repair in Toronto

small to medium drywall repairs
Small to Medium Drywall Repairs
Large Drywall Repairs
Drywall Holes Repair
Drywall Holes Repair
Drywall Patch Dudes Yorkville 1

Ceiling and Wall Drywall Repair

Whether your ceiling or wall has been damaged by water, mold, or physical force, The Patch Dudes can help. We have high-skilled drywall repair professionals who can help you quickly and painlessly. We are able to repair any type of drywall using mechanical sanders, sprays, vacuums, and quick-drying compounds. We can also paint the repaired area to match the original, making the patch virtually unnoticeable. With years of testing and optimizing our trade, we are able to provide our clients with a better, more efficient drywall service. We are able to provide a no-mess, no-stress drywall service thanks to our uniquely optimized systems. Contact Patch Dudes today to get a quick fix for your drywall!